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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Our Name

It was at Vimy Ridge, France, during World War I that Canada shaped its identity as a nation. It was the first time that an all-Canadian group of soldiers from across our country, representing many cultures, worked together in unison. Canada was forever changed from a colony under British rule to a nation insistent on its own place in the world. The efforts of these Canadians bonded our country together and established our nation as a world symbol of strength, unity, honour and integrity. The qualities of leadership, citizenship, commitment, perseverance, ingenuity, physical fitness and high performance displayed by these Canadians are those that we strive to develop in all our students within our seven activity based sports alternative programs.

We Are Raiders

During the First World War, our Canadians took part in trench raids, a concept that was “developed and perfected by the men of the Dominion.” Canadians excelled at this practice, and the raid became an essential aspect of the trench warfare of the time. As the war progressed, the Canadians became relentless raiders, where they would rush the enemy trench in brave and selfless assaults with the hopes of capturing enemy territory. These raids were essential in the preparation and execution of our important victory at Vimy Ridge.