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Vimy Outdoor Pursuits

Outdoor Pursuits is a program based on physical fitness and adventure sport. Academics and athletics are balanced in an alternative program that provides students with the opportunity to participate in outdoor sports as well as traditional indoor activities. An emphasis is placed on physical fitness, leadership and team work as students develop outdoor skills and travel on backcountry camping excursions. Students in the Outdoor Pursuits program will need to have proper outdoor clothing and footwear for being outside in the winter and summer months. Students will also need to have access to a mountain bike and essential camping equipment. For more information, please visit the Vimy Outdoor Pursuits website.

Program fee: Additional fees are charged for this program.

Shadow Day

To sign up for an Outdoor Pursuits Shadow Day, please fill out this Vimy Shadow Day Form.


Apply to Vimy Outdoor Pursuits

Step 1: Sign up for a Vimy Outdoor Pursuits Shadow Day.

Step 2: Contact the program contact with any questions you may have.

Step 3: After your Shadow Day AAD (Academic Athletic Development), which coordinates programming for the Outdoor Pursuits Academy, will give you access to the online form for the program portion of your registration.

Step 4: You will receive access to the online form for the school portion of your registration.

Step 5: The program director and school admin will review all application packages to confirm that the student has met all requirements for entrance into the program and ensure that there is space available at the applicant's grade level.

Step 6: A letter will be sent out to confirm acceptance.

Request More Information

If you would like more information about Vimy Pursuits, please click the following link:

Request for Information